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This Spring… a 2 DAY Children’s Resale!

Brace yourself and bring extra shopping bags.. we are extending our Spring Children’s Resale to be 2 days!  The regular sale will be held on Saturday, April 28th from 7:30-3:00pm with the 1/2 price sale on the following day- Sunday, April 29th from 10:00am-2:00pm.  Hope to see you there!

Break up the HOLIDAZE with GEA!

If you missed us at the annual tree lighting, it’s OK- come out tomorrow night for this year’s Dickens of a Village Celebration!  Lots of fun in the Village as we stay warm near Vintage 38- Friday, December 1st from 5-9pm.  THEN…. on Tuesday, December 5th at the Panther Pub, we’ll host a holiday social for our members and anyone who wants to become a member of our great group!

We are looking forward to continuing the celebration of the season- have a happy and blessed holiday!

Welcome 88.9 Radio Milwaukee to Greendale!

We are proud to announce that 88.9 Radio Milwaukee will be sponsoring our Village Days entertainment this year!  They will also be stopping in at our Green Market soon so stop by to visit!  Thanks for helping us to make our 20th Anniversary Village Days celebration great!

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Thanks to our SPONSORS!

Planning for this year’s Village Days is in high gear and we want to THANK our Sponsors to date!  We appreciate all that you do for us and for this great community!




Street-za Pizza by the Slice will be parked at the Spring Resale Coming Up SOON!

That’s right folks…. our Spring Resale is right around the corner and we thought we should make sure you weren’t shopping on an empty stomach.  Start shopping in the morning and take a break for a slice before heading back in for more!

We have over 250 sellers, an expanded sorting area, better organization in the Clothes Room, a holding area for items purchased while you shop for more and the best volunteers to help you enjoy the day while you shop ’til you drop!

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‘Fun on the Green’ FREE Music Series Schedule Announced for 2017!

This year’s FUN on the GREEN schedule is guaranteed to suit the musical senses of all!  Spring may have just arrived, but we can’t wait until Summer to kick these shows off…. bring you favorite chair or blanket and the sunshine and we will be ready to start every Saturday night at 7pm at Gazebo Park on Broad Street.  Don’t worry, if you can’t arrange for the sunshine, we will still host this event at the Greendale High School in the Multipurpose/Cafe space.     See you this Summer!

Fun on the Green

Spring Children’s Resale Scheduled for April 29th- Volunteers needed, register TODAY!

The Spring Children’s Resale is coming up soon!  This Spring the sale will be held on Saturday, April 29th and is sure to be another great success for our community.  You can help us to make our event successful by volunteering your energy to the cause to benefit Greendale’s family entertainment experience as well as our community.

To volunteer, click here and sign up today!

GEA Children’s Resale Supports the Community

In case you didn’t realize, through the generosity of our Sellers, the GEA is always able to support local charities with items left in our care after both the Fall & Spring Children’s Resale.  On occasion, we are also delighted to be able to help students in our Greendale schools to realize a goal that they might be trying to achieve.  Whether it’s by helping the GHS Band with a little piece of their upcoming trip to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or helping Greendale’s FIRST Lego League Team! Great job kids, we are so happy we could be a part of helping you accomplish your goal!!

lego thank you